All souls day was celebrated in the Philippines during November 02 of
every year, Knowing that the Pilipino tradition there are some of the things
that the Pilipino families do during this special event:
- The Family must go to church and pay for the mass (church) for remembering the died love one.
- Go to the cemetery before November 1 or 2 to clean the place of the buried love one for the preparation of coming of many family member on November 1 or 2.
- Go to the grave of the love one during November 1 or 2 to place a candle and flower to the grave of the love one.
- When you go home from the cemetery you need to light a candle in your house in all the door of your house.
- Place a picture of your love one in the altar of tour house with two candles and his/her favorite food.
- After putting the food pray for her/his soul.