“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” – Albert Einstein
The picture already tells the story. But I think Mr. Einstein forget about the word “Unity and Cooperation”. In that picture, all animals where given a test. All must climb a tree. You will laugh at first because the fish for sure will failed the test. But if the fish is cooperative, have a good attitude and there is a unity with the group, for sure he can ask help from a monkey to climb together with him so that he can pass the test.
We can apply it in our work, we are in a same group but we are different in terms of attitude, knowledges and behavior, but if we have “Unity and Cooperation” there’s no reason for all of us to achieve and pass every trials and test that we need to to do.
‘till next time…
Perry signing off…